How to plan your honeymoon around the world

Elisabetta Polignano 19 Jan 2016
How to plan your honeymoon around the world

Your upcoming honeymoon is going to be such a unique event that picking one simple destination might be a very hard choice. This is why we thought of giving you some inspiration to start a real adventure around the globe! Ready for some hints and tips?

The first question that pops up in everyone’s mind while picturing this ‘round the world trip is “OMG, how much time will we need for that?!”. The question is on point and, surprisingly enough, you won’t need that much, unless you want to. A little more than three weeks is enough, according to most agencies which provide the service and sell ‘round the world tickets for adventurous honeymoon seekers. Prices are not overwhelming either. Anyway, consider it a fairly reasonable choice for a one-item wedding registry!

In order to optimize prices and destinations, we suggest you to buy a ‘Round the World Ticket – which is basically a plane ticket that covers whichever destinations you choose within the timeframe of one year. Usually, the journey with this ticket must start and end in the same country and there is no possibility of “turning back”. If, for example, you decide to travel westwards to save daylight and jet lag stress, you will have to fly westwards during your entire trip, with no chance to fly eastwards between one destination and another.

Costs can differ from a price category to another – and price categories normally vary depending on distances and on the travel classes you choose. Classic itineraries include a visit in five different continents, but you and your partner can still choose your route freely and let your common passions and interests drive you towards unique destinations that tell the story of your love. Be creative with your choices: you only live your honeymoon once!

Do you have any question or curiosity? Let us know in the comments section down below!